zaterdag 27 december 2014

Beautiful Day

Yesterday, release day, blue skies today.

Listen now to this tune :

The Scene - Liefde

vrijdag 26 december 2014

Crusto : The End and the Beginning Dj Mix

This live performance by Crusto is made to support the release of crusto's album 'The end and the beginning.' at December 27 2014. So Tomorrow is the big day. Let's play the Live set he played yesterday in the city of Vught, The Netherlands. WE can let you hear the last 34 minutes of his show.

Let's have a party today December 26, Christmas day.


donderdag 25 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas edition : Set the peolpe free mix

Very special edition today, on this Christmas day. This the 'Set the people free mix'. We want to tell that everybody should be free, who belongs to be free.

Christmas Special : Set the people free mix.


woensdag 24 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello today, for the last day of our advent. This mix we present today is finished, but must be more beautiful than it now is.

So let's enjoy Christmas time and relax yourself this evening.

Happy Christmas.

Day 24

dinsdag 23 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello to the show. Today we have a very special edition with a compleet new Crusto tune. This song is about dogs. The dogs should be free. That's the opinion of Crusto. So what he tells about dogs : That they are nice and sweet animals and that they should have more freedom.

Have a lot of pleasure with 'Dogs for free' by Crusto.

Day 23

Crusto - Dogs for free.

maandag 22 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello again. Today a new song by Crusto. Unfortunatly this song is not on the album 'The end and the beginning' , because Crusto says the song is not finished yet. He is not satisfied now.
But of course, we have it already here at  BeatzInternational !
The Original is : Kelela - AllNight.

Be happy with each other and play this music.

Day 22


Crusto - All night

zondag 21 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

This Sunday we present you a very special song. The Decalogue was send to Moses and he send it to the world. This song is about this.

Listen tp this and have respect to everybody in the world.

Day 21

Crusto - De Tien Geboden.

zaterdag 20 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Welcome to the event of today. Funny song today, because it's not finished yet. We like to make you listen to this music for the future. When the song finally has been finished, you will have the possibility to listen to it at BeatzInternational.
The Original of this song is from Marvin gaye with the song Save the children. We wish you good luck and have a nice week.

Day 20

Crusto - Save children (clean)

vrijdag 19 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Welcome everybody to Crusto Special Christmas advent. Today is a very special day on wich we celebrate  all the people who once were alive and those who are still alive. So now we present the song 'Í feel alive'. Once done by K's choice, the Belgium band who had a big hit witg there song 'Not an addicted'. This is the version by Crusto : 'I feel Alive'.

Listen and enjoy your life.

Day 19

Crusto - I feel alive

donderdag 18 december 2014

Crusto - Buckets full of money

Hello to the show. Lot of peoples want to have a lot of money. Buckets full of money. So Crusto made a tune titled 'Buckets full of money' This song is inspired by people who like to have lots of money. So we do it for free. Because the people who want to have our money we have to pay a lot of money. This song is based on a song by Booker T and the MG's called 'Tic tac toe'

Let's have a party for our money problems. So listen to this song by Crusto : Buckets full of money.

Day 18

Crusto - Buckets full of money

woensdag 17 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

WElcome today to our special event. The song chipmunk is today's tune. The best song ever for some people by Crusto. So let's stay alive and enjoy this show.

Be happy with the music.

Day 17

Crusto - Chipmunk

dinsdag 16 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

A very nice song today that is called 'So addicted'. It's about addiction to Love. The surest thing were all are addicted of is Love. That's were this song is about : The addiction of Love of the human body.

Have joy with this song.

Day 16

Crusto - So addicted

maandag 15 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

This week is another special week before Christmas starts. With this tune you can sit down and relax.
This a track done by Milt Jackson called 'I'm not so sure'. Crusto's version is called 'Sure'.

Have a good time. Be sweet and high while listening this tune.

Day 15


Crusto - Sure

zondag 14 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello everybody. This Sunday we present to you a song by Crusto for people who like to have fun. We think everybody likes to have fun. So this tune is for eveyrbody in the world.

Listen people and have fun :

Day 14

Crusto - Fun

zaterdag 13 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello everybody. Today we present to you Off the wall music by Michael Jackson. This song is made by Crusto, because there are people in this world who's lifes are danaged by others. It's a protest song wich explains that people Always should have the opportunity to make decisions about their own life and body by themselves.

So listen to this song My Life by Crusto.

Day 13

Crusto - My Life

vrijdag 12 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Today in our show a song by Billy Holiday. This special remix is done a few years ago by Crusto. The Original of this song is titled 'Monnglow'. Now the song is called : 'I still hear you saying'.

Listen and enjoy this video :

Day 12

Crusto - I still hear you saying

donderdag 11 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent


This is Crusto. Whatever they do, I will stay alive !

Day 11

Crusto - I will stay alive.

dinsdag 9 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello, today we have a show , with a song called 'Alien fun'.  If there are any aliens in the Universe, there music probaly will sound like this.

Best fun wtih Alien fun :

Day 10


Crusto - Alien fun

Crusto Special Christmas advent

The birth date of Crusto is Januari 14, 1971. That's why he likes this song. This is for people who are 'black'in this world ! The Original of this tune is made by The Asian dub Foundation.

Where ever you are listen to this tune and enjoy this music.

Day 9

Crusto - Black people

maandag 8 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello people, Today's song is based by Addison groove's tune Make um bounce. With this song we celebrate that there are many delights  in this world and we advice you, just to take them  when your able to.

Make your body move.

Day 8

Crusto - Eat choclate


zondag 7 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Today's special is about love. If you are in trouble with love in your life, love songs are not nice to listen. That's why Crusto produced this song. this is titled. It's a tune with a sample by Earth, wind & Fire. The song Love's holiday once again.

Listen and enjoy to day 7 of Crusto special Christmas advent.


Crusto -



zaterdag 6 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Welcome to our Christmas Special. Today we have music from Tina Turner. This time Crusto mixed the song 'We don't need another hero (Thunderdome)'. Crusto used this song to tell the world that there are people in this society who may not have or cannot make any children. We wish that everyone can produce children in this world.

Listen and enjoy this tune.

Day 6

Crusto - Hero

vrijdag 5 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello everybody, this is day 5 of our advent story. Today we celebrate a new story with an old song with old memeories. This song is about love wich never comes back. Due to Otis Redding Crusto could make this song. This is Come back babe, come back taken from Otis Redding's 'Pain in my heart.'

Ode to Otis Redding because he never comes back in this world again !

Day 5

Crusto - Come back, babe, come back

donderdag 4 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Welcome to day 4 of our advent. Special today is the song Biscuits. It is a song about Freedom and justice of Peace in this World. The intention of this song is that everyone has the possibility to buy their cookies in Freedom.

The music of this song is taken from the Blue lines album by Massive attack combined with a song by Burning spear.

Listen to this song and have a very nice time in your Freedom :

Day 4

Crusto - Biscuits


woensdag 3 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Today day 3 of our advent. This time Crusto takes Earth, wind & fire as music for his song. Lyrics are based on Love, Life and Unity. This time he mixes the song 'Love's holiday' just for Joy. And just for the nature of the human body.

So enjoy and have fun with Crusto :

Day 3

Crusto - Would U mind

dinsdag 2 december 2014

Crusto Special Christmas advent

Hello everybody,

Welcome to day 2 at our advent. This day we support Crusto's song 'Still hang around' wich is based on the music from The Crusaders, their most famous tune Streetlife. The song 'Still hang around' means that the existance on planet earth is based on Life, and that he's still Alive.  Crusto. And it is made for everyone who is still Alive !

Join planet Earth and stay around as long as you can.

Play that music

Day 2

Crusto - Still hang Around